The Prophets Prayer Opens 1001 Doors of Fortune. Shalawat Jibril Pulling Fortune Full Album. Below is Jibrils prayer prayer that you can recite: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Allahumma athinii tsawaaba shollallahu alaa Muhammad an tarzuqonii syaian asta iinu bihi alath-thoo ah subhaana robbika robbil izzati ammaa yashifuun wasalaamun alal mursaliin walhamdulillahi robbil aalamiin.ā€¯Meaning: "(O Allah) give additional Your mercy to our lord the Prophet Muhammad." The virtue of reading Sholawat Jibril 1000 times is that it brings good fortune.There are lots of prayers for Attracting Fortune, one of which is the Jibril prayer packaged with its distinctive voice. Among the collection of prayers that are chanted to open ones fortune are the Jibril prayers and the Allahul Kahf prayers.The Sholawat is entitled "A Collection of Jibrils Sholawat Attracting Sustenance Complete with Lyrics, Latin Arabic and Translation", in full with the following Sholawat Playlist:1. Sholawat Jibril - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune2. Address of Sholeh Children - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune3. How Beautiful - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune4. Alfu Shollallah - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune5. Allahu Allah - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune6. Assalamualayk - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune7. Bijahil Mustofa - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune8. Busyro Lana - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune9. Acts of the Apostle - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune10. Laillahailallah - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune11. Mahalul Qiyam - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune12. Marhaban - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune13. Nurul Mustofa - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune14. Padang Bulan - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune15. Qomarun - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune16. Shalawat Asyghil - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune17. Shalawat Badar - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune18. Shalawat Tibbil Qulub - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune19. Bissalamimmubin Prayer - Jibril Prayer Attracting Fortune20. Shalawat Burdah - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune21. Tholaal badru - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune22. White Turi - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune23. Ya Ala Baitin Nabi - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune24. O Allah Biha - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune25. Ya Hananan - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune26. Ya imamarusli - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune27. Ya Lal Wathon - Sholawat Jibril Attracting Fortune28. Ya Rasulallah - Sholawat Jibril Attractor of Fortune29. Yaa Thoyba - Sholawat Jibril Attracting FortuneEnjoy the chanting of Sholawat Sholawat Jibril which attracts fortune offline.